passé présent

oh what are these recollections that haunt me
this is not my story

these sins are not mine, are the face of another

what are these shadows that erupt like a rash

what is this past beneath me?

i don't recognize these forms, i have no recollection of

oh why is this appearing now?

these shadows, these forms which

i myself cannot recall

this is not mine, get away dissapear

oh what are these ghosts of the past where do they come from

this burden now behind my back these regrets guilts

not mine for sure for i have others
what are these miseries that chase me now all of a sudden

of which i have no recollection this

this is not my story who are you, evil who sent you

get away get off me these shames of others, what

what do you want from me you don't own me

these stories that you tell

what are these, i keep no resentment i don't bear any grudge

leave, your story does not resemble mine.